Russian Small &
Enterprises Forum

Russian Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises Forum 2017: final press release

Media representative Personal Web Office

PersonalWebOffice — thisisthepersonalsectionofthemediarepresentativeontheofficialForumwebsite, wherepersonalinformationmaybeedited, aphotographuploaded forabadge, applications submitted for the required services (transport and excursion services, translation services), and also for personal vehicle accreditation.

TheloginandpasswordforactivatingthePersonalWebOffice of the media representative will be sent to you by email to the address specified in the registration form for contacts if the SPIEF Organising Committee passes a positive decision on your accreditation.

You may upload your badge photograph when you submit your registration application for participation in the Forum in the Personal Web Office of the media representative.

Requirements on the badge photograph:

Forum business programme events

Media representatives have access to all Forum business programme events.

Access for media representatives to the Congress Hall is on a pool basis.

Information about use of material about the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum can be found in the section of the Forum official website Mentions policy”.

Transport for media representatives

Theorganizershave planned the following transport services at the Forum:

For more information, go to the “Transport” section.

The shuttle buses run from the main hotels in the city. The timetable can be found in the “Transport” section.

An application for vehicle accreditation may be submitted through the media representative’s Personal Web Office until May 13.

Vehicles may be parted at the Forum venue on the territory of the ExpoForum Convention and Exhibition Centre. Special parking places have been allocated for the media on parking lot L.

YourvehicleanddriverwillneedtobeaccreditedpriortotheForumto be able to drive up to the main entrance to the Forum venue (checkpoint C) and to the cultural event venues. The relevant application should be submitted through the Personal Web Office of the media representative.

During the Forum, you may hire a personal vehicle of representative or business class. The relevant application may be submitted through the Personal Web Office of the media representative. 

Hotel accommodation

The official Forum website gives a list of hotels in the centre of St. Petersburg and the immediate vicinity of the Forum venue, with contact details. To make a reservation, you may contact the hotel on the telephone number given, partners for accommodating participants or the Forum hotel reservation service.

We advise you to make your hotel reservation in advance, since June is the high tourist season and there are many tourists in the city at this time.

DuringtheForum,owingtothelargeinfluxoftourists, hotels only take reservations for 100% prepayment.

If you have any other questions, please contact the Media Relations Department:

Tel./fax: +7 (812) 406 7709 
