Chair, Commission on the Development of Small and Medium-Sized Businesses, Civic Chamber of the Russian Federation
Graduated Perm State University with a degree in Applied Mathematics, Perm State Technical University with a degree in Economics and Business Management, received an MBA in 2001 and DBA from URO RAN in Yekaterinburg in 2012.
Since 2012 Dmitry acts as a director of NP ‘Aerodrom Frolovo DOSAAF Rossii’.
Since 2014 on behalf of public organizations of Bereznikovsky district he became a representative of Perm Region in the Civic Chamber of the Russian Federation, where he became a chairman of the commission on Development of Small and Medium Businesses. Currently he acts as chairman of the Perm division of Opora Rossii, an organization for small and medium-sized business support. In 2016 he was elected Vice President of Opora Rossii. Acts as a Co-Chairman of a regional headquarters of national movement ‘People’s Front. For Russia’.