Russian Small &
Enterprises Forum


Latin America presents the development potential for international cooperation between small and medium-sized business at SPIEF 2016

On June 15, in St. Petersburg, within the scope of SPIEF 2016, the Interregional Forum ‘Strengthening international SMEs alliances between the Russian Federation and Latin America and the Caribbean’ was held.

The event came under the auspices of the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) and was supported by the Government of the Russian Federation. The Forum is a continuation of the interregional seminar between the countries of Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC), BRICS and the Eurasian Economic Union (EEU), held in July 2015 on the subject ‘Strengthening International Alliances in the Global Market’ in Quito (Ecuador).

During the Forum, representatives of major Russian and international companies were able to create a sustainable and promising platform for partnership, primarily by triggering the potential of small and medium-sized business.

Meetings were held within the scope of the Forum on ‘CARICOM + CARIBBEAN’, ‘CAN – Andean Community’, ‘SIECA – Central American Secretariat for Economic Integration’ and others. In addition, participants from the Russian side gave presentations of the possibilities of the market, logistics, distribution networks, customs tariffs and free trade zones in Russia.

The foreign participants in the Forum received first-hand the latest information about business opportunities in the Russian Federation and discussed directly the prospects for working with Russian businessmen.

The Forum programme focused particularly on the participation by heads of over 20 national agencies and the man exporters/trading companies from LAC, including:

Rafael Enrique GonzálezAleman, General Director, Under Secretary of Commerceand Investments, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Argentina

Adriano Santos de Azevedo, Market Intelligence Analyst, Apex-Brasil (Brazil)

Maxim Chereshnev, Chairman of the DirectionalBoard, Russian Trade and Economic Development Council

Carlos Ernesto Chanduvi Suarez, Chief,  Latin America and Caribbean Division UNIDO

Jessy C. Petit-Frère, Minister of Commerceand Industry, Republic of Haiti

Uchenna Samantha Gibson, Senior Export Promotion Officer, Guyana Office for Investment

Anyelin Montero de los Santos, Deputy to the Dominican Republic Center of Export and Investment (CEO, CEI-RD)

Vivian Herrera Cid, Director General of the Ministry of Foreign Trade and Foreign Investment (MINCEX), Cuba

Siglien Burleson, Minister of Trade and Industry, Republic of Suriname

Ignacio Rivera Castillo, Representative of the Commission for the Promotion of Peru’s export and tourism – PromPeru

In accordance with the strategy of strengthening alliances on the world market, the Interregional Forum ‘Strengthening international SMEs alliances between the Russian Federation and Latin America and the Caribbean’ promotes support for small and medium-sized businesses and exports in the relevant countries.

Contact details: Natalya Cherezova, 

mob.: +7 (960) 240 0038,

